The monarchs of Christian Europe are focused on the hostilities and conflicts among each other, whereas the King of Hungary has long fought with the common enemy of all Christianity and he cannot expect help from them. In addition to many other castles and towns, the Ottomans also occupied Nándorfehérvár (Nandoralba, present day Belgrade, Serbia), the shield and bastion of Christianity. The Louis II, King of Hungary (1516-1526) needs the help of every Christian ruler, so he has sent ambassadors to the Holy Roman Emperor, the King of France and the other kings and princes. He sends his secretary, István Brodarics, to Ferrara hoping that the Duke would provide the necessary help.
The original record held by: State Archives of Modena
Reference code: Archivio di Stato di Modena, Archivio Segreto Estense, Cancelleria, Carteggi con principi esteri, busta 1622/1, fascicolo 6, 28 gennaio 1522
Date of creation: Buda, 28 January 1522