a.) Suicide of Dezső Vida, president of the Jewish Community of Mohács and his relatives and the settlement of the issue of their estate - July 13, 1946 Dezső Vida, president of the Jewish Community of Mohács, his wife, Lili Wolf and his widowed sister-in-law, Mrs Gyula Vida né Blanka Schuller committed suicide when the Germans invaded and occupied Hungary.Dezső Vida’s son, Geza served at that time as a forced laborer while his grandson, Tamás perished in Auschwitz. For the settling of the issue of their bequest a trustee was necessary to be appointed. |
MNL BaML V. 74. Mohács Város Árvaszékének iratai 132/1946. Mohács, 1946. július 13.
b.) Hermann Wolf’s application to the Hungarian Royal Tax Office for the deletion of the name of his son, previously functioning as a lawyer, Lajos Wolf who had been arrested by the German authorities – 24 October, 1944
MNL BaML IV. 1406. d) Pécs Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai B-5-21889-1944. Pécs, 1944. október 24.