Taddeo Lardi's account book from 1500
This statement book was written in 1500 in Ferrara by Taddeo Lardi (Thadio di Lardi) (1), then Ippolito’s cloakroom-attendant, who, as you saw it before, used some Hungarian loan-words in his letters. The volume contains 50 leaves. Its cover, made of leather, is conserved in quite good conditions. However, this statement book, which was compiled in Italy, has fewer Hungarian relations than those that were made in Esztergom or Eger, but you can find some references to our country. The author mentions, for example, the names of Beltrame Costabili (Beltrame di costabili), apostolic protonotary and governor of Esztergom (2), and the equerry Pandolfo Silvestri (Pandolfo Silvestri) (3); then, as the registry of 3 November 1500 says, a particular Hungarian person, called Mihály (mial ungaro), received 30 florins to cover his costs while he was traveling to Eger (4).
The original record held by: Modena State Archive
Reference code: Archivio di Stato di Modena, Archivio Estense, Camera marchionale poi ducale, Amministrazione dei principi, registro n. 760, 1500
Date of creation: Ferrara, 1500